Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Snow Suit Time!

Yup, we now have a baby sled for Jackson, and we are so excited to use it!  In spirit of sledding, we tried on his snow suit...which, although big, will work wonderfully!  He is all ready to go - I just need to get better to take him out!
Yup, getting better, that has been on the top of the list the past couple days.  I think I've been bitten by the flu bug.  Yesterday was horrible.  HORRIBLE!  I will spare you the details - because they aren't pleasant!  However, I want to give a shout out to Caitlin, June & Shaun who all helped with Jackson yesterday...complete life savers all of you are!  Also a shout out to my husband who flew back home this morning to help out.  Thank goodness for daddy.  I was far too weak today to stay on my own feet never mind carry Mr. Moose around!

Gotta love good family and friends!

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