Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mr. Airplane!

 Tonight when we got home from dinner with our friends, Jackson was Mr. Personality...which makes him a stinker, because he was Mr. Get-Me-To-Bed at the restaurant!  Anywhos...his new thing is doing the airplane!  And he was SO FUNNY tonight doing it!  I started counting how many seconds he would do it for, and we would cheer for him.  He would laugh, grunt, make funny faces, and totally ham it up!  It was fun.  He's a monster!  But he's my monster, and I love him.

 Here's to hoping and praying to the sleep gods for a long restful sleep tonight!  Cross your fingers - I need it! 

1 comment:

  1. Sleep tight Jackson. Sweet dreams mommy.

    Miss you guys

