Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Weekend Christmas

This weekend we had Trevor's family here for Christmas.  Jackson and Sawyer very much enjoyed having their cousins around to play and make a mess with and they all played so well together.  Jackson had been talking for about two weeks about 'dad's brother uncle stu' coming, so I think I'd have to say that was the highlight for him!  Turkey was delicious and the kiddos enjoyed the gift opening! 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Thursday Morning Skate

We haven't dedicated as much time as we'd like to taking Jackson skating.  I think that we will just have to sign him up for lessons!  But, nonetheless, Thursday morning we packed up to go for a quick little outting.

This Sawyer finds a hockey stick wherever there is one to be found.  This one he swiped off of some poor boy who wasn't using it (with mom's go ahead!).  Was great while it lasted, until he had to give it back...insert Sawyer meltdown here!

Jackson's Christmas Concert

Cute doesn't even begin to sum up sixteen 3 year olds standing up to sing a song!

We practiced and practiced Jackson's song and he knew it very well, but nothing can prepare a child for the feeling they will get when they get up on the stage in front of the lights and a couple hundred people.  So stinkin cute.

Jackson's best preschool bud, Tristan.
Sawyer slept for the entire thing!

And it didn't take long for this to happen after leaving preschool.....

Empty Hearts

I haven't posted on here for a couple weeks because I haven't known what to say.  I couldn't move forward without sharing this - but my emotions hadn't let me sit down to do so yet.  And still, I know this will be short until I can dedicate the appropriate time to a proper farewell post to our best friend, beautiful family member, and beloved pet - Kia.

On December 9 I had to say goodbye to her for the last time.  I am not in a place where I will share the details just yet.  Nor have I been able to bring myself to go through photos and memories.  But she deserves that.  She deserves her own story.  So for now, I will share the last two photos I have of my three children together.  Had I known it would be the last time for such an opportunity, I would have worked harder for Sawyer to look at the camera.  I didn't know.  I thought there would be many more photos, heck I thought there'd be many more years.  Shame on me for not trying harder and it kills me every time I look at these photos.

I swear sometimes at night I hear her eating.
I look for her in the morning when I wake up.
I call her name when no ones around and I feel lonely.
I miss my best friend.

More to come when I can manage to put some thoughts together.