Tuesday, November 2, 2010


 Anyone who has seen Jackson in his Jolly Jumper would NEVER believe that he could fall asleep!  I guess his play-filled day tuckered him out!  One minute he was bouncing, the next minute, he was actually sleeping.  I wish I had caught his eyes actually closed, but Caitlin, June and I were laughing so hard - and the flash woke him up!  

The next minute, he went right back to jumping!  He tried to fool us, but Jolly Jumping time was over!

So happy when we took him down!  The pictures show how much he really does drool when he's in his jumper!  It's insane!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that's too funny. What a silly goose. Just like me...can sleep pretty much anywhere. The jumper I'm not so sure about.
