Saturday, January 30, 2010

Growing, Growing, Growing!

We had so much fun meeting our little one again! They were dancing around like nobody's business! The ultrasound tech was fantastic! She was actually the head tech there and took her time and had a great open personality, which made it a lot of fun! Our little one gave us some great pics as keepsakes!

If you look by the little one's mouth, you can count it's fingers as it has its hand up by its mouth! We got to count lots of fingers and toes!

This one is my favorite picture! You can see the nose and the face quite clearly. Down along the bottom, you can see the arm with the little hand by the bum, and then the leg curled up along the top!

I love this one too! It was just rolling over and it had it's elbow up in the air as it was rubbing its face!

This one is is cool because you can see the spine and the heart so clearly. The little heart was just flickering was doing lots of stretching in there, so it's neck was being stretched back!

I know I keep saying this, but this is one of my favorites too! If you look at the face, you can see the lips pursed! The little one was practicing its suckling a lot and here we caught it mid motion with its lips all cute and pursed!

Now, it was a great ultrasound, and we went in sure we were going to prove to ourselves that we were having a little girl, but SURPRISE...

We are so excited to announce that we are having a BOY!

It was clear as day, no questions! The tech even said she rarely says that she's sure, but she said - "I'm 100% sure - this little one is a boy!" We were able to see the umbilical cord elsewhere and there was no mistaking as you can see from the two last pictures, that our little treasure is a bouncing, bubbling, baby BOY!

We both spent the ultrasound and the rest of the night laughing because we were truly convinced (along with 90% of everyone else!) that we were having a girl! This was the greatest surprise - as we had no preference - and the curve ball is a treat! Still this morning, we will both sometimes break into giggles when it crosses our mind! What a wonderful memory!

As for the details...the heartbeat was a healthy 132 bpm. The placenta is in a good place and isn't lying too low. We got to count fingers and toes! The hemmorhages are still there and are located on the lower far end of the placenta, but have not grown. We are still experiencing some of the annoying symptoms, but knowing they aren't growing is comforting! When baby was poked, it responded - which we were told showed good reflexes!

It was so fun to get a glimpse inside! We are so happy with our choice to find the gender out! We are excited that we are over halfway there to meeting our little guy!

Next Big Milestone: We scheduled our 3-d ultrasound for mid-March and can't wait to get a cool glimpse at the little man!

Enjoy your weekends and the great surprise!!!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

20 Weeks and Halfway There!!

We are very excited to be at our halfway point in the pregnancy!  It has come with its ups and downs, but we have been full of positive thoughts and hopes and dreams.  Today we are halfway there to meeting our new addition!


How your baby's growing:

Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.)

He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).

Hope you all have a happy day :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Petunia Pickle Bottom - Can we be friends?!?!

So I think I have been hit by the baby shopping fever!  I just found the cutest site with the cutest EVERYTHING!  It's called Petunia Pickle Bottom!  I love all their articles ESPECIALLY their diaper bags!  I also love the bedding and onesies!  My favorite is that it isn't ubber pastel cute - it's GORGEOUS!

My favorite is the diaper bags!

Now this is a dreamer!  Will never happen, but I had to share!  It is just over $300 (sick!) but too cute to not share!

It has a fold out changing station, and every way to carry it imaginable!

This one is my maybe!  It is in the price range and equally cute!  Also has a fold out changing station!  Love it!

This is the matching 'clutch' to my oh so favorite diaper bag!  Can you believe it - a clutch?  They are clever.  Check out the picture, even it has a pull out change table!  I love it!  Apparently it is more for just short trips around when you don't want to carry a big ol' diaper bag!

Man, this Petunia Pickle Bottom is trouble!!  The best part??...It is sold at E Children here in Edmonton where Trevor wants to go look at stuff this weekend!  Judging by the website, we could be in for some trouble!  Not sure where this baby fever came from!  But it's great!  Can't wait to start getting the nursery cleaned out!

Baby Bump - 19 Weeks, 5 Days

So this little baby bump of ours has started to gain more attention.  I decided to take photos.  I always wear black, but bought this cute floral shirt from Rickis for $9 - STEAL!  So I decided to wear it, and my black tank is dirty, so I only had the white...which is fine under the shirt!  Well when I uploaded the photos, I realized that this bump looks bigger in white!  I thought I wasn't growing until this lovely activity!  It was hard to not shake the camera while taking these, so from now on, this will be a Trevor and Kristy job!  Hopefully that will make it easier!  Sorry about the flash, the pics were very unclear without it. 

I thought you would love these Trevor!  We all three miss you!


Missing You

Since about November, Trevor and I have yet to spend a week together.  With the overtime that he has been working and the trip that we did between Christmas and New Years, we have been living on short visits.  This time we are looking forward to Thursday because he will be home for a full week and we have our ultrasound to meet our little one again!  Being apart has been hard...but we make it through.

I thought I would share a couple photos because Trevor has been saying he misses his family! Every night baby, Kia, and I get our own good night wish!  Your family misses you too...


Baby Leg Warmers!

So I found this website off of another mom-to-be's blog!  These may be the cutest things!  How adorable are they!?! They keep the baby's legs warm, make changing a diaper easier since there are no pants to take off, plus they are just too stinking cute! I have heard a rumor that some Targets carry these, maybe we will have to send grandma on a hunt when she goes down next trip!  If not, I'm sure I will be putting an order in!!!

Argyle and striped and polka dotted chunky baby legs......YES PLEASE :-)

I love that they can grown with the little babe!  I remember HATING to wear full out tights/stalkings when I was little (umm...and some things don't change!!)

Nursery Daydreaming!

So, we've been giving more thought to setting up the nursery!  Probably one of the most exciting stages!  I've read and heard a lot to get a start on it while you are in your second trimester, because once you reach the third - you are less eager to do anything - and more eager to sleep and rest!

I have been daydreaming about this crib for weeks now.  I am aware that there are many cribs, and we will probably find one, but this one is so beautiful!  I'm in love with the whole set!  Luckily, there is no Pottery Barn Kids in the city, or near the city for that matter - so I will use this time to dream!!  It also has a matching rocker and ottoman that is so pretty.  The change table would convert into a dresser in the long run. 

Just the first steps into dreaming about our new baby's special little room!  We are in the process of organizing enough to start moving the furniture out of the computer room to start with a clean slate.  Pretty exciting!

Doesn't it look like a beautiful harp!!  I would skip the whole crib skirt though, what's the deal with that?!

It also converts into a toddler bed. Some room for growth!

A place where I'm sure a lot of sleepness nights are spent!

The matching dresser/change table.

Anywhos...just sharing our early dreams!  Hopefully we will find something similar to this set. We have no colors or items picked out yet.  We are still awaiting the ultrasound on Friday to see if we are going to break down and find out what are little bambino is!  Maybe more progress will happen from that point!  It's crazy to think that we are half way there.  It feels like just yesterday that these kinds of decisions and preparations were so very far off in the future.  Let the excitement begin!...


Moment of weakness!

Well, I finally broke down this morning and watched Twilight!  I was a little against it all due to the crazy amount of hype!  I have had the itch for a couple weeks now to see it, and I finally asked to borrow it from my mom!

I must admit...I liked it.  Sadly, I didn't want it to be over!  I'm not about to go buy a t-shirt or claim it's the best movie of all time...but it wasn't as bad as I was thinking it would be - and admittedly, I'm eager to see the sequel! 

For a long time I was trying to figure out who I thought that girl looked educated comparison is a brunette Alicia Silverstone.  Anyways, that's neither here nor there!  Just wanted to share that I ventured over to the 'dark' side - and enjoyed it!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just a morning thought and some insight!

So I was thinking...I have been getting asked more and more lately whether or not I've been feeling the baby move.  While I do, it isn't as often as I would have this made me curious!

So, I have been told a few times now that the baby's placenta is attached to the anterior wall  (front) of the uterus...I didn't think much of this, because I was also told that it is nothing to be concerned about.  The only reason I bring this up is because I was doing some reading about feeling 'quickening' and movements.  I feel quickening sometimes but not as often as I would have thought or hoped for by this point, so I did some reading out of curiosity  (shocking, I know!)!  We consistently find the heartbeat with the doppler and are able to hear baby moving around, so I'm not necessarily worried - just wishing for more movements! 

Anyways - - - back to the point, apparently anterior placentas provide a 'cushion' between what the baby is doing and what I am able to instead of the baby having to kick against my skin/tissue for me to feel it, I have to wait until it is strong enough to kick against the placenta and my skin...which makes sense and helps me understand why my movement feelings are fewer than expected at this stage!  I also read that the placenta often travels up as the uterus grows and that the baby, as it grows, will start to get stronger and sometimes kick around the placenta too.  So while this causes no harm to me or baby, it just makes those special moments between it and I fewer.

Anyways...this is just my morning thought!  I never gave it much attention until now and feel like it all makes more sense!  The only disappointing aspect of the anterior placenta is it takes longer for others to feel movements too.  The positive is that they say as movement increases, the cushion helps moms-to-be sleep through the night with less interruptions!  Always look at the bright side!  Who knew there were so many different aspects to this whole being pregnant thing!

Here is a picture of what I'm talking about. In the first, baby is positioned "correctly" with the placenta behind him, the second is an Anterior Placenta where the baby is located behind the placenta instead of in front.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Well, as time goes on - I'm starting to understand how this week counting works.  So basically on Wednesday we were 19 weeks, which means we have completed 19 weeks and are actually starting our 20th weeks!  Very exciting!  It's crazy to think that we are in week 20 out of 40 - that's halfway there!  Things are starting to pick up at home when Trevor is here as we try to rearrange and organize our thoughts and tackle our to-do lists!  Although overwhelming at times, it is all so much fun!  We have our ultrasound a week from tomorrow!  I am very much looking forward to the appointment and am hoping we have the same guy as last time as he was very thorough and fun!  Fingers crossed!...

Here is what 19 weeks brings us!...

Look at those cramped little legs!

We are the size of a mango this week!  Much more pleasant looking than a sweet potato!

How your baby's growing:

Your baby's sensory development is exploding! Her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear your voice now, so don't be shy about reading aloud, talking to her, or singing a happy tune if the mood strikes you.

Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom  Her arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of her body now. Her kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on her skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Today I was lucky enough to hang out with Serina, for the second Sunday in a row!!!  We did our breakie at Moxies and then went to see Avatar.  It was her second time seeing it, so i think she was better prepared than me!  It was a great movie, but very powerful and moving.  It really makes you think.  It was in 3D, which was pretty cool.  I would recommend the movie to anyone.  But, be prepared!  It was very stimulating both mentally and physically!  Now it's off to finishing laundry and tidying up a bit!  Not nearly as fun, but someone has to do it!

Hope you all had a great weekend!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

California Rotating Tram

Just a glimpse at the amazing amount of windmills!

This is my reindeer tree!

Just so nice up there, but didn't compare to our mountains!

Mom...looking impressed...

Lee and Dad, surprisingly posing for a picture!

Nice scenery

Liked the framing in this one!

Don't look down!  We got to do both though, as it was a rotating tram car!

Eye spy with my little eye!  For a price!

We all went to the tram, which was crazy busy the first time we attempted.  Thank goodness we didn't wait the three hour wait the first time.  We ended up going back and it wasn't too busy at all.  It was really nice, but I think I like our mountains better!


While in La Quinta, my dad and I snuck away one night for a walk while the sun was setting, these are some of my favorite shots of the georgeous pink sky as the sun set.  You would blink and it would be seemed to happen so quickly!

18 Weeks and Excited!

We are very much excited to be entering the 18th week of our pregnancy!  In just a couple of weeks we will get to see our little one again via ultrasound (January 29th!  YAY)!  So exciting!  Things have been going well.  I am definitely into maternity pants!  My appetite has definitely not picked up that much and I am still struggling through food as often it leaves me feeling a bit queesy.  I'm thinking there will be a shift soon!

It has been fun and exciting, I feel little flutters here and there, but not consistently yet, which I'm hoping is just around the corner!  I think I'm more excited for the day to come where Trevor can actually start to feel things moving around in there!  We did buy a doppler and have been finding the heartbeat more consistently!  Trevor gets random messages with baby's heartbeat, and I don't think that it has gotten any less exciting!  I do have a video for you all, should I ever figure out how to post it!  It really might have to wait for Trevor to come home!!

We are talking and thinking and planning more and more about nursery options and about our list of things around the house that we would like to get done!  I think soon we will have to shift those conversations into action as time seems to be flying!

Here is a glimpse into week 18...

How your baby's growing:

Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He's busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from his head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around his nerves, a process that will continue for a year after he's born. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.

Baby is now the size of a Sweet Potato!  I do love sweet potatoes!  It really is getting bigger every week!

Although not our baby, I found this picture of a 18 wk old fetus in womb and I found it amazing how big and human it has gotten, so I thought I would share it as a sneak peak into the reality of little babe in there!  I am really looking forward to the opportunity to do a 3-d ultrasound!  I know it won't be like this picture, but it will be so cool to see our little one more vividly!

Anyways...I hope this post finds you all well and happy after the holidays.  January is always a tough time because it is the reality of being back to the grind of things!  Hope you all don't work too hard and enjoy this nice weather we have been having!  We will continue to post pics of our trip to La Quinta and of other things going on!  Sorry there was such a gap, with the holidays and being out of town, it left me little time to check in!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This and That

We had a lime tree in the front yard and the boys were able to enjoy a fresh grown and picked lime in their beers one afternoon!  I was VERY jealous!

I just liked this photo!

Trevor and I got to cruise around in my dad's very fun SSR!  We had the top down every time we drove it!  Even if it meant having the heat on a bit!  We passed people walking in their touques and parkas, we giggled to ourselves!  We figured they'd understand after they read the back Alberta plates!

I think if I lived in California, I'd have to have a convertable!  It just would be wrong to not enjoy the weather, mountains, and palm trees without the wind in your air!

Prickly Prickles

I just love these photos of the cactus from my parents' backyard...The prickles prick quite a but more prickly than you would think!  You don't want to lose your balance around one of these suckers!

Tsk Tsk, we never finished a game of Risk!

Lucky or unlucky dice?!

We learned how to play Risk while we were down there!  When my dad was reading the instructions, we were convinced we would never understand the rules, but as we got into it, it got easier!  However, we realized that a large amount of time needs to be set aside for this game!  It was a long, long process - and I don't think we officially finished a game!  Nonetheless many good arguments and grudges were had by all - and we enjoyed trying our luck at the dice without risking any money!