Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Talents = New Trouble Shooting!

 Well, there is one more sleep until Daddy comes home...and it couldn't come at a better time!  Although we love that Jackson has mastered the skill of rolling over, it has made for some early wakings during the night.  I don't know if it's that he rolls over and wakes himself up or wakes up and rolls over...regardless of the sucks!  I have been wondering what to do about it, and I stay up worrying and wanting to check on him all the time - but there is no right or wrong answer...I just have to tough it out!  Last night after he woke (at 1:45 am might I add, which is a killer compared to the 5 am that he was doing) I couldn't fall back asleep and was up until 6 am, only to fall asleep and have him wake at 7!  Ah, the early months of parenthood!  Alas, there is always a new adventure around the corner!  I am pooped but had a great day with our friends Claire and Kim!  Claire is a month older than Jackson and is cute as a button!  Anywhos...Kim said that she had this problem with Claire too.  I find comfort in not being alone!

Anywhos...needless to say, our little monkey is on the move constantly and he is always trying to get somewhere.  I removed his bumpers tonight and moved up his mobile...which he was using as a batting toy!  Now he can't reach, which is good because then he can't pull on it!  If anyone has any suggestions that work for the rolling-over-in-the-middle-of-the-night-early-waking problem - I'm all ears!

These photos were from yesterday because I was too darn tired to take any today!  Just a few snapshots of his new skills, and that they pop up when you're trying to do all normal tasks!  He has also discovered that he can grab his toes and has been spending more time exploring this new discovery!

We miss you Trevor and are VERY excited to pick you up tomorrow.  Hope curling was fun and you had a nice restful day.


  1. Can't wait for tomorrow family. Be good for mommy tonight Jackson.


  2. good luck tonight and I'll see you tomorrow :o)

  3. hey!! not that it's necessarily advice but i've read in a lot of places that as kids learn new skills it sometimes has them up at night "practising" these news skills!!! hopefully it doesn't last too long and you're back to getting restful nights!!!

  4. I seem to remember Hayden waking up sorta like that in the middle of the night, It just took a few weeks then he figured out how to find his soother and get it back into his mouth and he'd get himself back to sleep!
