Friday, November 12, 2010

Pass the Carrots, Please.

This morning Jackson had his first round of carrots!  He knew as soon as I put it in his mouth that it was new, and I could see him thinking about it!  BUT, not surprisingly, he ate the whole bowl!  I started by giving him some straight up carrots, and then I mixed in the formula and rice cereal to make it more of a rounded meal.  I was a little more nervous doing this at my parents house, as sometimes he likes to blow a raspberry right in the middle of a mouth full of carrots...and it sputters everywhere!  He did well, we cleaned up quickly and easily!  I even rinsed the bib (that I borrowed from my moms house!) there and brought it home to wash!

Eying them up!
Thinking about what I just put in his mouth...
Then deciding that it's good!
Now we are all mixed up and ready to go!
Post-raspberry blowing!  It's hard to wipe his chin with the spoon because he tries to eat from it at the same time!

It was hard to take photos at the same time, so I snatched this with the camera resting and using my left hand!  I kept it despite the bad angle, because I couldn't pass up the smile!
He ate it all up!  No problems.  Hopefully he keeps up with his good track record for new foods!
We were cleaned up in no time!
Then he got to play with the giraffe while I rinsed everything out!
Ready to go home!

 All in all it was another success!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good job on the carrots Jackson. Hope you keep enjoying solids the way you have been.

    XOXOXO to my family

    Miss you guys
