Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Flu Bug

Yesterday was a rough day for us!  Whatever flu bug bit me, bit Jackson a day later.  He was throwing up a lot yesterday, had no appetite, and couldn't keep anything down.  We were quite worried about dehydration...and woke up several times to feed him small amounts of pedialyte and formula throughout the night.  It looks like it worked, as our little man hasn't had one incident of vomiting today and is in higher spirits.  Tomorrow we will attempt to re-introduce solids.

There is nothing sadder than watching your little one go through something and NOT really being able to help them.  When I went to get some gripe water, hoping it would settle his belly enough to keep something down, I also picked him up a special toy for being such a trooper.  He had a better time playing with it this morning while I was hanging his laundry than he did yesterday!


  1. glad to hear you guys are feeling better!!

  2. Goodness that looks like fun! Glad to hear he is feeling better :o)
