Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dog Park Adventures

So this morning I was telling Trevor how I haven't posted in a couple days and my avid  casual followers are probably wondering what is up!  I vowed this morning to take some pics and get back on it!  Not more than a handful of hours later, I received a text from a dear friend!  "I hate when Trevor's home!  No new pics!".  I know she was totally teasing - but it was EXACTLY what I had told him earlier in the day that people were thinking!  I also wanted to throw a thank you out there to those who commented with support or ideas for our middle of the night monster!  It was appreciated!  He is still not sleeping as good as he was - but I've heard it will be good and then regress here's to hoping for some positive progress!

Now, on with the show!...

Tonight we went to the dog park with Alina and Spencer.  Kia had a blast with Sig and Teegan.  It was fun to watch them chase each other around and it had been FAR too long since we had been there.  Jackson had fun watching all the dogs too!  In spirit of our location, he wore his adorable dog toque and mittens!  I'm smitten with the mittens!  I really couldn't choose which photos to post because obviously I think they are all cute!  Believe me when I say, I am only posting half of them!

 Then he started clowning around!...

 I seriously LOVE these mittens!  They didn't put thumbs on them!  Smart thinking - what baby can keep their thumbs in the thumb hole?!

All in all - I love fall, I love the dog park, I love my friends, and I love spending time with my family - throw it all together and it all adds up to a pretty good time!

 Enjoy your daylight savings!  Someone should tell babies about how it works!

1 comment:

  1. OMG he is adorable! He poses so well for photos - must be used to his mommy :o)
    and love love the mittens!
