Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday This and That

This afternoon our friend Mel came over to make some Christmas cards.  Oh, how it's been a long time since I've done such a thing!  Needless to say, my dining room turned into the above very quickly!  All for the love of crafting!

Then later in the evening, Mr. Magoo occupied himself with his toys!  For the record, he was placed on his play mat, on his back in the middle with his head facing the table.  The fish toy was to his right on the carpet.   He hasn't figured out how to crawl...but he is surprising me with the amount he moves around!  I will turn around and it's needless to say, that baby gate in the basement will be going up shortly!

I'm having a rotten night.  Bad things happen in threes, correct?!  I'm going to call it good then, and try to catch an early trip to bed so it ends sooner than later!

1 comment:

  1. oh wow! you should post some pics of the finished products :o)
