Saturday, November 20, 2010

For the love of teething!

 Jackson was a rock star today...we battled West Edmonton Mall...and it WAS a battle!  That place was crazy!  Jackson stayed cool as a cucumber though!  He spent most of the time making new funny faces and practicing his "mmmm" sound!  Then we got home, and all had dinner!  I was REALLY tempted to give Jackson the whole bowl and let him dig in because he was sooo grabby - but Trevor rained on my parade!  Instead I battled him for the spoon...he enjoys putting it in his own mouth and licking it...I enjoy having the control!  It came up a draw I'm sure, because we both won a few rounds of 'battle of the spoon'!  We had a couple people ask us today if he was the evidence is written all over his rosy cheeks!  Poor bug.  He's handling it like a champ...mostly complaining a bit more at night, but all in all, he's taking it in stride.  I check every morning hoping I will find a surprise in there!  But - not quite yet!  He gnaws on EVERYTHING from your hand, to the washcloth, to the spoon, to his finger, and - his favorite - his teething ring!  All in all - it was an adventure packed day - and it doesn't stop here - Trevor and I have a large mess to clean up at home here as our Christmas decorations have seemed to have exploded all over the place!

Can you see the sweet potato wedged in his fingers?!  Stinker!

Ah, the teether...thank you teether - for bringing him such joy!

Enjoy your chilly winter evening!  We will!

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