Sunday, June 20, 2010

Weekend Story

So, this would be a FAR better post if I had a video or photo to tell the story for me...but I do have someone who witnessed the hilarity to vouch for me! on Friday night, Caitlin was here and we were changing far all sounds quite routine and fairly harmless, right?!  Well, I took his 'evening delight' diaper (code for disgusting poop-filled diaper!) and proceeded to put it in the diaper genie!  Well, I was wearing a bracelet, so my hand got caught while I was pushing it down!  I proceeded to panic and kept yelling "my hand is stuck, my hand is stuck!".  I couldn't get my hand out and Caitlin was too busy laughing to help I stuck my other hand in to unhook the bracelet.  Dumb move!  At this point, my watch gets caught and I now have two hands stuck in the diaper genie!  I started to yell "BOTH my hands are stuck, BOTH my hands are stuck" and no one came to my rescue.  I just started pulling and pulling and finally they both came out with the bag ring and all!  

Note to all you readers:  Please learn from my tragic experience and while using a diaper genie, remove ALL of your wrist jewelry or anything else that could potentially trap you in the pit of soiled diapers!


1 comment:

  1. That is AWESOME!!!! That would have been something to see!!!!
