Thursday, November 7, 2013

Molluscum Contagiosum

So Jackson's been battling a virus for months now.  And but months, I mean MONTHS.

The virus is called Molluscum Contagiosum.

Now, we had it checked out about six or seven months ago and the doctor said typically you just leave it as it goes away on its own (IN ONE TO TWO YEARS).  So we did for about four or five months.  It didn't show any signs of getting better, in fact, we saw a couple bumps on his tummy and decided to go to his pediatrician as I didn't want it to spread further.  When we went to do this, the doctor was on holidays, and because we had already waited for two and a half hours (his pediatrician works out of a medicentre) I figured, we'd put our trust in our doctor's colleague.  Big Mistake.  BIG.  HUGE.  

This doctor had us convinced that the best treatment is to use liquid nitrogen.  Painful.  Slow.  Ongoing over a period of weeks.  We went to three painful sessions of this before I said ENOUGH.  It was not getting better.  In fact, it was looking worse.  MUCH WORSE.

By this time, Jackson's pediatrician was back and we saw him.  We were horrified to find out that liquid nitrogen is a treatment that is known to WORSEN and SPREAD the virus.  So here we were standing there completely pissed off and completely heartbroken that we put Jackson through something painful only to turn around and have it be worse. 

The doctor immediately referred us to a specialist.  Pediatrician and Dermatologist.  Very nice.  Actually that's an understatement.  This doctor is amazing.  And not only with us, but with Moose.  The first treatment that he chose to do is the one that is proven to be least painful and most effective.

Ummmm....WRONG.  Not in Jackson's case.  Jackson, you see, was part of a very small percentage of people who react quite adversely to this treatment.  So adversely that it is safe to say that I have never, ever seen him in so much pain.  Convulsing.  Screaming.  Terrified.  It was the worst yet.  The recovery from this treatment was traumatic for all of us.  After a couple weeks we went back.  Explained to the doctor.  Started over.

The next treatment (and the three after) have been a 100% effective method.  The only 100% effective method there is.  Numbing the area and cutting every. single. bump. off.  The problem with this treatement is there is no way you can actually get all of them in one sitting as Jackson's case had grown dramatically worse.  So, we may have a treatment or two further once we see how things heal up...but as it looks, it's working.

This whole experience has been beyond exhausting.  He's missed school because he couldn't wear pants let alone walk.  He's missed swimming.  And we've missed him.  His smile, his excitement, his love of the bath and water.  But - I can say - since this last treatment method, we definitely have our happy boy back.  There is a bit of TLC involved with post procedure recovery, but far more minimal than the horrible first two attempts.  

We will get there.  And we are very grateful that Sawyer (knock on every piece of wood around me) has not contracted the virus.  It seems that this virus is kinda like cold sores in that some people are more immune to it and some pick it up really easily.  It's often called 'swimmer's warts' even though they aren't warts.  They look like them but in clusters.  We think because of the location that him sitting on the edge of the pool at swimming lessons may have been the culprit for the start of it all.  But really, it could have been a swing.  A seat on the LRT.  A restaurant chair.  WHO KNOWS.  It's life.  He's tough.  We're tough.

This was the back of his knees at their almost worst.  Huge blisters.  He couldn't walk.  He couldn't wear pants.  It was a very rough few days here.  This was after the treatment that he had the poor (minority of population) reaction to.
Our brave boy over some of the appointments...

And these are them as of about 10 minutes ago...

Jackson tells many people about 'Dr. M-Connel' (Dr. McConnell)...all in a wonderful way.  It's amazing how far good bed-side manner can take you in the world of a child (or any human for that matter!).  Hopefully this helps someone out there help their child if they suspect their child may have the virus...go to a specialist right outta the gate.


  1. The owie that will not go away :( Really to say he has been a champ throughout the process would be an understatement. If I could take them all away I would in a heartbeat. Hopefully a few more times and we will be done with it all. We can all on confess (Jackson included) that having them removed is the way to go. People assume cutting them off is not an option because of the damage it does. Dr McConnell has removed over a hundred of these little guys from the back of poor moose's knees. The damage done is far less than the amount of damage a teenager causes popping pimples.

    Stay strong moose!


  2. Oh my gosh, you know how to tug at an Aunt's heartstrings with that picture of Jackson with his hand by him mouth. What a brave little boy Jackson! I'm so happy you are getting better!

    Auntie Nicole

  3. That's awful! Poor boy! Poor parents.... I'm glad it's on the way out.

  4. Hi. I'm just curious if your precious son still has these and if not how long did it take to completely be gone?

    1. He is completely cleared up and has no sign of it returning. I'd recommend what they call “surgically” removing them a million times over. This method is 100% effective for each spot. We had to go for 3 rounds simply because of the number of spots he had. The virus can cause eczema like it did with him which causes you to scratch and spread it. The liquid nitrogen also causes the virus to spread. Back to the procedure…….A numbing cream was applied and an hour later the doctor used what appeared to be a very tiny version of a melon baller. After breaking the skin this little tool pulls out the waxy looking core of the virus. A little alcohol to clean the area and that followed with ointment/band-aid and it was done. The actual sore is very minimal. He played with toys like nothing was going on. He was healed up within a week and all redness with no scares soon followed suit. Teens do way more damage to their faces than this “surgical” method. Medication (does not work for everybody and was gonna cost over $500 after coverage) and the blister method was by far the worst experience that lasted days. The redness from blister method was the last to fade and I feel the post procedure sore was more painful and worse.

      Best of luck!

  5. It really hurts to see your child hurting :( My little one suffered from molluscum contagiosum as well. And the doctors from Adult & Pediatric Dermatology also suggested to removed every single bump off. This was a very exhausting experience but he's perfectly cleared up now.

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