Wednesday, May 2, 2012

iPhone Catch Up

Here is a smorgasbord (wow spellcheck actually knew that word!!) of iPhone pics over the past 3 weeks!  CHEESE :)

Helping Mommy make carrot muffins!
Distracting myself while the muffins bake :)
Moose got tired on his walk, so this is how it ended!  Since then we bought a seat that clips on under...not ideal but good until we get our double BOB :)
Rockin it at the Waterpark!
Waiting for Mommy's flat tire to be fixed!
Smiles :)
First together bath as Brothers in Mommy's tub!
Rain wind or's all about his 'car'
Bedtime bath
Morning Shot for Dada!
Rolling down driveway Backwards!
Willingly took over feeding Sawyer (and very well might I add) while at Walmart so Mommy could push cart...he even pats his belly and says "burp burp" - so sweet!
Lookin out ahead foe me!
Mr. Bear this morning!
Mr. Moose this morning!
 Life has done anything but slow down since Sawyer has arrived.  I remember when Moose was little I would be watching TV and cleaning house most days.  With the two boys - we work best when we are out and about doing stuff!  Moose keeps me going even when I'm tired!  We get along better when we aren't cooped up inside having power struggles about balancing going outside with staying inside.  Even a car ride does the trick!  I know he is stir crazy when he asks specifically...'car ride?'.  Then we get in the car and pushed his luck one step further 'tractor ride?' haha - sorry buddy - Mommy doesn't know how to drive the have to wait for Papa to get home from California!

1 comment:

  1. Miss you family!!

    Thanks for all the pics. Love this kind of post!

    1 Sleep!!!!!
