Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dirty Rotter

My son has been a dirty rotter all day.  I'm hoping I get my real child back tomorrow!  The good news is - he slept through the night.  The bad news is - he has been a monster all day.  

He has more interest in being a busy body than napping, so nap time is accompanied by a lot of standing, talking, playing, complaining, and as you will soon see - - - CHEWING.

 Silly me thought that when he was quiet, he had actually fallen asleep.  But the crying that followed the above misdemeanor sent me back into his room to find the monster standing, and crying.  This boy is teething hard when it comes to that top tooth.  I gave him some advil and a bit of anbesol and he instantly stopped crying and was sleeping within seconds.  While I feel bad for the little bug and the painful teething process - I am not impressed, in any shape of form, about what this teething little boy did to help his pain!

His punishment?  An early waking from his blissful afternoon nap to help with chores.  You know, the extra chores he's been assigned to compensate for the damage?!  Ya, those ones!

Okay, okay I didn't wake him to do chores - I woke him because he was sleeping a bit to late for comfort and I thought it best be time for dinner!  However, he did help me sort hangers to hang his laundry.
Not sure how to stop this.  I have a wooden thingy that I may put in his crib tonight with him - hoping he will use it rather than the side of his crib - but in all honesty...I'm not sure it will matter.

Any advice?!


  1. What a dirty rotter!!! Hope the tooth comes out soon.

    2 more sleeps family!!

    miss you all

  2. Oh no!! I'm sorry that I am laughing so much, what a little bum!! Still a handsome one though! :)

