Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jackson is Growing!

I am starting to look at pictures of Jackson now and really notice how much he is growing and changing!  I can't believe how quickly time is going...tomorrow will be Wednesday already - - - that means Trevor's last night home.  We are not looking forward to him leaving...and it will be a learning curve for me for sure!  My parents leave Thursday and Trevor leaves Thursday, Caitlin leaves Friday...it will be me and my little man!  I plan on making lots of plans with people!  My goal is to not spend all my time at home!  Days go faster when its filled with friends and errands!

Good night to all and to all a good night!



  1. Hey Kristy, your little guy is as beautiful as you are and I am so glad your Grandma told me about your blogspot so I can see what is going on in your life

  2. You can totally see your reflection in his eye in the top photo babe. Miss you both.

