Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Warm Up!

I really want to take some sweet newborn shots of Jackson in the next couple of tonight Trevor and I tested some things out...these are just some testers...hopefully I will work up enough courage to take some good shots soon!  I know there can't be any 'bad' shots...but I've been looking at some of the professionals' websites and envying their work (I'm really finding it hard to justify paying between $400 and $800 to have someone come to my home to take some photos...) I'm going to give it my best 'shot' in the next few days!  For now, I thought these were at least cute enough to share!

1 comment:

  1. Kristy don't pay for them! Yours are beautiful and they will mean so much more if mama took them! Just remember I'll need a for my for the living for the fridge...oh and my mom wants one too!

    Give him a cuddle for me,
