Saturday, January 8, 2011

Swimming with my Buds!

Today was the first day of swimming lessons.  It was nice to see June, Kim and the babes!  We braved the snow and roads and had a good time.  The class itself was kinda bleh - not really a lot of direction - I think the one at JP was better!  But at least we are in good company and the babes can visit, as can we!  Today was a big milestone for Jackson!  We dunked him in the pool!  Not once, not twice, about three or four times!  He did awesome.  No tears, no freak outs!  He enjoyed being in the pool.  This pool, however, was not heated like the one at JP - and we all handled that like champs!  Auntie Caitlin came along to see Jackson in action.  It was great, because she was able to take some photos and help out getting him changed after as I got changed.  All in all - we are glad that swimming has started!  Next week we will hope for less snow!  And Daddy will be with us - so that's always a plus!

 I changed the photos to black and white because the lighting and coloring in there was horrible!


  1. Wow what en exciting first swimming lesson. Proud of you Jackson. Can't wait till next week.

    Miss you guys

  2. Last time I took a camera into the woman's change room at the pool I got in trouble...
