Friday, January 28, 2011

Hard Boiled Eggs

 So, hard-boiled eggs and I haven't been friends for many years - but Jackson just happens to LOVE eggs yolks!  So, I had to tough it up and try cooking them again!  Caitlin bought me a little timer thingy that worked well - and (embarrassingly!) I also used instructions I found online!

TA DA!  I freaking did it!  I made hard-boiled eggs!  Now, this may be a small feat for some, but for me - it was a proud moment!  See what my son has me up to?  Always trying new things!

He was happy to hear they turned out!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go - your yolks don't have the grey layer so these look awesome! Where did you get the egg timer? I'd like one like that!
