Saturday, January 22, 2011

8 Months

So, it wasn't until Nicole came over last night and said - at about 7 pm - that it was Jackson's 8-month birthday.  I honestly thought it was still January 14th-ish.  Crap!  I totally some photos will be coming shortly!  However, it was a pretty significant day yesterday.  He cut his first tooth.  I thought I noticed a tiny bit of white in the morning but shrugged it off to banana because it was while he was eating.  Then at lunch he chomped on my finger, and it hurt!  Yup, the little white bugger is just starting it's journey through.  So cool!  He also started his crawl stand (as seen above).  This is big because he's been really working on trying to get mobile and has only been able to do so going backwards!  Overall, it was just a big developmental day!  

I will post what all Jackson is up to at 8 months when I do his 8 month photo post!  Until now, I had to share this video - especially for Daddy - because he was really working on it - and I think crawling is just around the corner!  Then we are in some serious trouble!


  1. This is exciting stuff!!! Good job buddy!!!! Hope you have more of a tooth to show off by the time i come home.

    Love you guys

  2. happy 8 month birthday buddy!!!!

  3. Happy 8mos dude!! Looks like you can do more push ups then your daddy!!

  4. What!? and you didn't text me? We are soooo fighting! :o) Congrats Jackson!
