Friday, December 10, 2010

Lights, Camera - ACTION!

 So, June had seen photos done where the kids were playing with she started a mission and bought non-heating, non breakable lights for us to take photos of the boys with!  Unfortunately, Aidan was not wanting much to do with the camera today, so we used Jackson to practice with!  Taking these types of photos (no flash, long shutter speed, and a busy-body baby) was SO HARD!  Jackson LOVED the lights and was WAY more interested in them than in me!  He was banging them around, watching his hands glow, and basically just having a god ol' time!

I think that some of them look pretty cool though!  I love the effect the lights have.  

Great idea June!  Looking forward to taking Aidan's photo and the boys' photos together!


  1. Love the pics. Neat idea and great result. Good job babe!
