Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lazy Days!

 Every day Jackson is changing!  He has a few new things that he likes to do - one is his photo face - which I showed you in the previous post.  The other is sticking his tongue out!  He plays with it and twists it.  Today we went to IHOP and he sat in a highchair and we ordered toast and a banana for him.  He was super funny.  My dad bent down to pick up a toast finger and Jackson grabbed ahold of his hair and attempted to eat it!  I told you - anything is free game!'s been fun!  He is developing a sense of humor and laughs at some of our jokes and noises now!  Or even at some stuff that he does!

Tongue Twist!

Tongue Twist AGAIN

 Today it's been a bit rainy.  Mom and I went for a pedicure and so far we've all been lazy! 

1 comment:

  1. Wish I had more hair!!! I guess I can't be beautiful forever....Tall, Dark & Handsome
