Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ready, Set, Cheese!!

 So as mentioned, Jackson is developing a new Photo Pose!  He is CRAZY and may have perfected it today.  Pretty much all my pictures of him have this expression.  I had to test it out - and basically every time he sees the photo coming - he makes the face - regardless of what he's doing!  You will see what I mean below!

Tonight we went to Babes.  I think that's what it's called.  Food was a bit disappointing, but it's a cool restaurant nonetheless.  Jackson was so tired and we were definitely past his bedtime - but he was a trooper. 

 He fell asleep on the way home and was so tired that he made it from the car to inside ASLEEP.  Trust us, this NEVER happens!  We decided to continue with our routine and give him his bath regardless.

 Crazy happy boy!


  1. haha, you will have no problem taking pics of his first tooth when it comes in :o)

  2. Oh my gosh, hahaha, too funny! I love that little stinker! Give him a kiss from me, and I can't wait to see you when you get home! Happy New Year to you and your family :)

