Sunday, December 5, 2010

Trevor's FAVORITE Christmas Movie

 A few days ago, Trevor INSISTED we watch his FAVORITE Christmas movie of all time.  It's called A Christmas Story.  Apparently, according to Trevor, it is the 'best Christmas movie ever'!  Well, we watched it in bed, and when Jackson woke up in the morning, he watched the last half with us (and thoroughly enjoyed the experience as we very RARELY have the tv on around Mr. Moose unless it's just a music channel or a hockey game!).  

It was nice to have all the family together in bed in the morning watching a movie together.

Special memories!

Next up, MY favorite Christmas movie!

Not that many of you comment (yes, that was a passive aggressive statement!) - but I'd LOVE to hear what your favorite Christmas movies are!


  1. A Christmas Story --- "You'll shoot your eye out!!!"


    Bad Santa --- "Can I fix you some sandwiches??? Regular amount of lettuce???""

  2. The Muppet's Christmas Carol :)

  3. I think a comment a good amount!!!! Mickey's Christmas Carol and Rudolph (tie!!)

  4. Yes, You do your share of commenting! In fact, all three comments are pretty much my commenting team! And, I appreciate it! I love that all movies have been different so far!

  5. Mickey's Christmas Carol for sure, and like Trevor said, Bad Santa!

  6. Haha, I know this is late, but I don't wanna be leftout!!! The Family Stone and The Christmas Shoes! I cry every time I watch both!!

    Nicole (obviously)
