Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ready and Waiting!

Our stockings are hung by the fireplace!

 I LOVE our stockings.  My mom made them - and they are perfect.  Each one hand stitched with our names!  What more could anyone want!?  I grew up with a personalized stocking like that, and it was a must when I moved out!

Presents are stacked EVERYWHERE!  Although I love the Christmas season, I am slightly looking forward to people opening their presents and clearing out my living room!!

The new addition to our Christmas collection this year are they FABULOUS reindeer.  Yes, they are reindeer essentially made out of crystals!  Basically they have K-R-I-S-T-Y written all over them!

 And last but not least...our sign!  I love this sign.  It is pretty cute!

This morning I changed our photo frames over to our family photos.  It's amazing how changing a picture up can give you a whole new feeling to that area of the house!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE! Your home is beautiful and I just might be stealing some of your organization ideas! Hope you are doing well!
