Thursday, December 9, 2010

Family is Forever

 Well, I did it...I broke down and paid someone to take our family photos!  I love Denise, and she is a wonderful photographer but it really put things into perspective for me!  I paid $250 for 35 photos and this week I did some family photos for a dear friend of mine, and she got a disc of over 100 photos - and it didn't cost her $250!! 

Now, I totally understand the fee and would probably not mind it as much if I didn't think I could do it myself!  But, taking family photos are hard...timer, positioning, etc.  I also wanted something special for Jackson's six months.  These photos were taken exactly on his six month birthday.  Now, I've left some of the best ones out until next week.  I wouldn't want to ruin your Christmas card surprise now would I?!  Either way, I love that we have some photos of all of us.  Mr. Moose wasn't totally cooperative that day (I think he used up all his smiles when we walked in the front door!), but we squeezed some gooders out anyways!

Thank you to Denise!  You did a wonderful job and I love spending time with you!  Believe it or not, you are a mentor to me!


  1. Thank you again sooooo much! The photos you took were amazing! PS I love the ones you had taken - Jackson is such a cutie :o)

  2. I absolutely love these photos!!! you all look great!!! what a beautiful little family you have!!!!
