Friday, December 24, 2010

Seven Months Old!

 Yup, it's true - on December 21st, Jackson rolled over into being a seven month old!  Now, as much as I wanted to get this post out on that day - I just haven't had a chance!  So, today I made an effort to take some photos of Mr. Moose and put this together for all your enjoyment!

 Yes, he is standing and balancing!  He LOVES to stand.  Often sitting isn't an option!

 I love his BIG smile!  He doesn't hold back!  He was really digging his hand and the new sweater - which made it hard to get his attention!

Oh how our lives have changed!  This little man makes every single day an adventure!  Watching him grow and learn is the most fulfilling thing in the world to me!  Each second he amazes me.  I am so lucky and feel grateful and thankful each day.
What is Jackson doing at SEVEN months, you ask!?

 **He is obviously loving to stand!**
**He sits on his own for lengthy periods of time**
**He is a side sleeper!  And a cute one at that!**
**He loves 'talking'.  His syllable of mastery at the moment is bababababa!  We go to sleep listening to it - and wake up listening to it - It's priceless!**
**He loves his food (including chicken!).  This is actually an understatement!  Anything we throw at him, he takes like a champ!**
**He is still loving his big sister.  Everything she does is amazing!**
**If we are lucky, we get big juicy, gummy kisses!**
**He (knock on wood) has been sleeping through the night for the past week.  He sleeps from 8 to 8 with about a 3 minute wake/babble session at some point.**
**He has a sense of humor.  His expressions, timing, and smiles are perfect!**
**He is like a clock...naps and sleep is important - and he lets us know he's ready!**
**He sleeps with a 'lovey'**
**Is frustrated that he can't crawl**
**We find him in other places and wonder how he got there!**
**He plays with toys, and you can see him thinking and trying to figure them out**
**Is in the process of learning a new 'word' and practices the mouth-position constantly! (He looks like a little fish!)**
**He is an expert at opening presents!**
**He has walked FORWARD in his walker!**
**Still loves his baths, but is way more interactive and 'brave' now**
**He LOVES singing.  We sing A LOT - and he enjoys every second.**
**He reaches for everything - nothing is off limits...glasses, hair...your fork - watch out!**

He is weighing roughly 22lbs, is just over 27" tall, and has a head circumference in the 95th percentile.  

Adjectives others use to describe him - SOLID.  BIG.  Adjectives mommy and daddy use - MOOSE!



1 comment:

  1. Your head circumference Mr. Moose is awesome! Congrats Kristy and Trevor on such an amazing little man! :)

