Saturday, March 5, 2011

Moose on the Loose

This little moose is on the loose!  He is EVERYWHERE and into EVERYTHING.  He is go - go - go all the time!  If I didn't have to parent and redirect I could sit back and watch him all day - haha - he fascinates me and I love watching him figure things out!

These were taken before dinner!  He really wanted my camera!  He also really wanted to 'attack' me as you see him roaring in some of the photos!  He cracks me up!
I am sorry Trevor that I'm behind in your updating posts - but your son is a busy body!

We Miss You!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you were a busy boy today Jackson. Can't wait to set your free in the back yard to explore with Kia. Hope you had fun at swimming today.

    Love and miss you family

