Thursday, March 17, 2011


It's hard to explain how much Jackson's personality is developing!  I love seeing him interact with people each day!  He is a total goof.  Has a sense of humor.  And all around is a happy boy.  In fact I would honestly say that every outing we have people ask us if he is always this happy.  We always smile and say - yup, 98% of the time :)  In fact, it just happened yesterday at the linen store after the movie!

Thanks for being such a goof Moose...I love that you never make me work hard for getting a smile!  Even if it is a MONSTER SMILE!

Oh, and the bottom photo shows you his new trick.  He often sticks his tongue out and to the side.  It just started yesterday and he was doing it a lot.  Not sure least he sticks it out the side so he doesn't bite it! 


  1. Miss you guys already and I've only been gone for a few hours. Can't wait to see how much you change over the week.

    Love you family

    Hope the night goes well again mommy

    7 Sleeps

  2. Hey Kristy! A late congratulations on your baby boy, he's adorable! I haven't seen you in forever, and I really can't remember when it was. I've flipped through your blog, and realized we have had so many of the same experiences, it's really strange. Maybe we can meet up sometime and introduce our boys to their cousin!
    Take care,
    Jenn (Greg and Sandi's daughter)
