Sunday, February 27, 2011


So - I know, I know - I'm very behind in saying a hello to all of you fantastic readers!  But, in my defense, I've been really busy.

I woke up Thursday morning (early) to a very sick baby.  Congestion - check!  Cough - check!  VOMIT - Double Check!  It sucked and my heart melts for him when he's sick like this...thank goodness it was homecoming for's always easier to double team the illness.  He is on the upswing (fingers crossed).  

Thursday was my dad's birthday.  We went there for lunch...gave him his gift (picture frames with painted Jackson foot prints on the mats).  We then ventured to Babies R Us and got a few essentials - and a few funs!  

Then we picked up daddy - and did our traditional homecoming meal at Chilis!  Jackson ate from the kids menu and sat like a big boy.  The best part of the whole meal was when a lady came up to our table and said - 'excuse me, was your baby at the hockey game Saturday?  I sat behind you and was telling my husband all about him when I went home.  He was so happy and smiley the whole time.  He's very cute!'.  What are the chances of that encounter!?

Yesterday we had a big birthday dinner here for my parents' birthdays.  It was a great bbq'd meal and family - good all around.  But the cleaning, shopping and cooking kept us out of trouble! I've been a bit busy - but I'm back - I swear!  Thanks for your patience!  I hope to get outside today to take some snow pictures...but I'm hoping for the snow to ease up first!

1 comment:

  1. yes, thank you for the update...i've been having a few withdrawls these days!!!!!
