Thursday, February 17, 2011

Busy Boy

I LOVE YOU CHAIR!  Please let me pull myself up!
 He is a mover!  He hasn't figured out that he can take more than three-ish crawls forward, but he sure does move around!  He loves his 'downward dog' yoga pose!  One day he's just going to get right up I'm sure!  Whether he's moving forward or not - he's definitely on the go - and is rarely in the same spot we left him in!  He gets stuck under chairs and couches and tables...he gets his hands on things he shouldn't have...he is soon going to be a handful I'm sure - and this, I am looking forward to!  (I think!)


  1. Oh my! So if I don't go to the gym on Friday and come over right after work, would that be a good time for some play time??? Let me know if that works, if not we can stick to the old plan :)What a curious little guy he is, and I'm curious to know what he is thinking-haven't found a way to capture that is your beautiful photos have you!?


  2. wow, he'll be up and walking before you guys know it!!! he's so freaking cute i just want to steal him!!!
