Monday, February 7, 2011

Done and Done - and not a moment too soon!

It had to be done!  I didn't want to risk waiting so tonight my dad came over and we lowered Jackson's crib (sigh).  Yesterday when I caught him sitting paired with him starting to pull himself up - I just didn't want to risk anything...
It took far longer than I thought.  Thanks dad for the help!

First - we had to take it all apart.
I hate taking off/putting on bumpers.
This picture makes me laugh because it looks like I'm doing something!  My dad really did all the work!
Ta-Da!  Finally put back together...and not a minute too soon - moose was tired!
I'm super annoyed that I put the bumpers on the 'wrong' way.  There isn't a right or wrong way but I like them better when the pattern is facing out.  I noticed after I had three already done - and decided that change is good!
 After we bathed Moose, we put him in to test the sensor pads!  He is such a stinker.  Within seconds he was on his knees and try to pull himself up.  I definitely made the right decision by not waiting for Trevor to come home to help me (sorry honey!)!

Imagine him growling at you in this photo!  That's his new favorite noise - GROWL!


  1. Looks good team. Sorry I wasn't home to do it myself.

    Have fun tryin to break out of "jail" now buddy!

    Love ya!

  2. Ahaha, guess what I loved, the part where you said "imagine him growling at you" Thanks for taking the time to add all those details, he changes so much I know I'm missing a lot!!

    Awesome pictures, yet again :) Thank you Kristy for your effort, it is so very much appreciated by this Auntie, promise me a visit soon :)

