Thursday, February 17, 2011

And it begins!...

Well, tonight was really exciting!  Jackson has been a busy body lately - and he has crawled forward in the past - but never quite past about three steps.  UNTIL TONIGHT!  I had tears in my eyes as I was recording it.  Partly because I'm so proud and excited for him - and partly because Trevor just left and I felt so sad he wasn't there for these 'first steps'!  But, at least I was able to catch it and record it.

I'm soooo proud of you buddy!  You are sooo cute to watch - awkward and ungraceful - it's PERFECT!


  1. Yay for Jackson!!!! I'm proud that you finally figured out how to go forward more than two steps. Good job recording it mommy.

    We got that last baby gate up just in time!!!

    Lots of love. Sleep well family.

  2. Wow crawling boy! Those baby legs make it more slippery--I say let him have bare knees for some traction. Have fun with busy Mr Moose.

  3. good job jackson!!! such a big boy!!!
