Saturday, February 19, 2011


Tonight after dinner, Jackson was scopin' out the kitchen!  He is such a little mover now!  Not fast or anything...but he moves so smoothly from his bum to crawling to bum to changing directions!  Tonight he discovered the vacuum sweep under the sink that I always forget we have!  He was a bit unsure at first about the loud noise...but kept peekin' around the corner to see what it was!

I hope this boy has one long, restful, deep sleep tonight!  After a big day like today - he better!

Miss you Daddy...wish you could have joined us at the game today!

1 comment:

  1. Good job crawling on face time today buddy! Can't wait to explore the house with you and chase Kia. Hope mommy is able to capture your newest trick on camera.

    Have a wonderful sleep family.

