Tuesday, February 1, 2011

DIY Felt Wreath

 So...as most know - I'm not a member of the Facebook community!  Now, while you're coughing back your surprise - I will share with you that I do spend a great amount of time creeping blogs instead!  Not for the gossipy, juicy, updates - but for cool craft ideas!  A little while back I stumbled across this tutorial and fell in love!  Another blog had the same concept done as a heart wreath for Valentine's Day and I decided that I needed to do one!  Little did I know that our good ol' Canadian craft stores don't sell heart shaped styrofoam!  I was heartbroken.  But I pulled up my socks, wiped away my tears and settled for a circle.  I had already bought the felt and thought - there's no backing out now!  I mean - a trip to the fabric store and far too many phone calls to various craft stores later - I was already invested!  So a circle it is!

I remember the night clearly...Caitlin, Jackson, and I were in Michaels (all the way in Sherwood Park) scoping out the styrofoam wreaths, envisioning beauty - when we foolishly decided on the biggest one they had.  In hindsight this was almost a fatal mistake that could have led to the demise of my little project!  Never again will I go with the BIG wreath!!!

Two trips to the fabric store, countless (but guessing hundreds!) circles, and many many episodes of Grey's Anatomy later (thank you Caitlin for all of your cutting) - we crossed the finish line last night!  We ran COMPLETELY out of felt.  After two trips, I was dead against going back a third time - and I needed this project to be over, so I moved and fluffed and moved and fluffed many circles! 

 Now, the wreath hanger I bought to hang it doesn't fit it and I'm sadly at a loss for where to put it...but will home it here until I figure out a hanging strategy.  I thought it would just be for Valentine's Day but after the amount of work - I'm considering allowing it to stay throughout the year...besides, the red is my accent color!  I haven't attached the heart I bought to it - yet...we will see.  I kind of like the simplicity of it as it sits now.  

The lady who did the tutorial had it write when she chose white felt!  White on white would allow for more give in the 'fluffing' department.  White sticks out through red like a sore thumb!  Meh, live and learn.  I think for my first (and possibly final) attempt, it turned out pretty darn good!

In the end, my little DIY project may have cost as much as me going and buying at darn wreath, but it wouldn't have been nearly as gratifying, right?!  RIGHT!?


  1. Wow, nice work!! It is beautiful!! Can I have a black one for my house? (Hahaha-just kidding :)) I just realized you and I have two VERY different forms of patience!


  2. This is friggin awesome!!! I was going to make one of these out of used sweaters but I haven't had the time to do it yet!!!
