Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's time to E-A-T

We think we may have discovered how to get Jackson to eat!  As we suspected...he has a stubborn streak that yearns for independence.  So, we have been letting him feed himself!  To say that he L-O-V-E-S would be an understatement.  This boy was double fisting food in his mouth so fast!  He didn't choke. gag, or vomit!  It may be a bit messier - but way more fun and WAY less stressful!
L-O-V-E this photo!
...and this one too!

I honestly can't express how much stress this has relieved for me!  He would clam up, clench his mouth shut and refuse anything we tried to give him.  Now, we just put chicken, cheese, fruit, pasta, etc infront of him and away he goes.  Literally dives right in!  It is so much fun and so much less stressful than sitting there trying to force feed him!  


1 comment:

  1. way to go buddy!!! you're getting to be such a big boy!!! we miss you guys!!! hope to see you soon!!!
