Monday, February 21, 2011

Nine Months Old!

It's true - our little baby is NINE MONTHS OLD today!

It's hard to believe.  I honestly don't know where the time is going...but it's going fast.  Three months today we will be taking photos of this little monster diving into his First Birthday cake...can you believe that?!  He has changed so much recently...

At 9 months Jackson is...
*Pulling himself up on anything he can (and shouldn't!)*
*Eating all by himself - and doing much much better in doing this!  At times it's so exciting - he has to double fist it!*
*Making his 'oh' face again, sometimes accompanied by a surprising whistle!*
*Making clicking noises with his tongue!*
*Getting into trouble!*
*Has attended his first Oilers game*
*Babbles a lot more and says dada A LOT*
*Still loves swimming, baths, washing his hands in the sink - and pretty much anything else that involves him playing with water!*
*Exploring like crazy*
*Playing with his toys more and more*
*Is taking steps forward in a walking motion as we hold him by the hands*
*Loves anything adventurous and exhilarating - ie. being upside down, swung in the air, surprises*
*Moves fluidly from his bum to crawling to bum to knees, and so on*
*Loves trying to stand - and has mastered the downward dog yoga pose!*
*Last weighed in at 24 lbs, 5 oz* 
*Is fitting into his 18 month clothing nicely*
*Still loves ceiling fans and lights*
*Has a sense of humor and laughs at the dog, us, or sometimes - himself*
*Loves music...we sing a lot and he sometimes (probably by fluke) does the actions with us*
*Is napping twice a day*
*Is still waking up once at night to feed since he cut his teeth*
*Has three teeth in and a fourth that just cut through*
*Stands in his crib - which is causing problems - because he practices this when he shouldn't*
*Loves the vacuum*

The new and improved 'oh' face!
And again!
Toothy Grin!
For those who think he's always smiling - meet the 'complaining' face!
Downward Dog!
Funny Duddy Toes
In Love

1 comment:

  1. Happy 9 months old Jackson. Can't believe how much you're changing into a little boy.

    Love you

    Thanks for doing the post mommy.
