Friday, February 11, 2011

Thank You, Jackson.

Dear Jackson, 

Today you crawled forward!  Mommy missed it.  She's been watching you every second of every day - and the one time she leaves for an appointment, you do it!  You crawled!  I am so proud of you - and so sad I missed it!  You are changing so fast it's hard to keep up!  It's amazing how quickly you figure things out!  You are so curious.  You love to get your hands into things.  You love to explore.  Sometimes, you have me worried - especially when you grab things and try to use them to pull yourself up.  You are strong buddy, sometimes too strong!

Yesterday we picked up Daddy from the airport.  I was super excited for him to see you.  You changed so much over the week he was gone!  All morning, all you said was "dadada dadada".  It made my heart melt...but not nearly as much as it did when we went for dinner after picking Daddy up.  Part way through stopped being amazed by our surroundings for long enough to put your little hand on top of Daddy's, looked at him, and said "Dada Dada".  I wanted to eat you up right there.  You will never understand just how precious you are and how much you've added to our lives!  Your smile is irreplaceable and don't even get me started on your giggle!

Thank You...for being you.

Love,  Mommy.

1 comment:

  1. Kristy, I cried when I read this! haha, not surprizing hey!?! You are an amazing mom, you have an amazing boy and the three of you make an amazing family.

