Monday, January 9, 2012

Waterpark Wednesday :)

Where is the time going?!  Oh me oh my...I really don't know!  I do know that for the past four nights I've been in bed by 8:30 - 9 pm!  Still, it's not enough rest!  I don't fall asleep until 10:30-11 and I'm up early with no luck of falling back asleep.  But, the down time in bed has been nice nonetheless!

Last Wednesday, we went to the Waterpark with Auntie Nicole.  It was a ZOO - which we are not used to at all!  Nothing really went as planned, but it was fun all the same!  It was nice have Nicole on holidays and being able to spend some extra time with her!  If only every Wednesday was Waterpark Wednesday!

Right when we got in the wave pool!  He loves just wandering around in there testing his boundaries!
Oh the JOY!
Muckin' around in the spray park area.
He's so adventurous.  He decided to tackle the rope walkway on his own at one point!
It sucks that Nicole's finger is in her face, we were trying so hard to get Moose to notice me!  He was so excited from the water slide!
Auntie took Moose on the water slide because I just wasn't sure it should be something I should be doing!  In hindsight, it's really tame, but you just never know I guess!
My FAVORITE one by far!  He's so darn cute!
 I sadly had the camera on the wrong setting for part of the day and as a result some photos didn't turn out :(  What a bummer...they were from the spray park area too, which was closed last time we were there!  Oh well, I guess we'll have to go again - - - right, Trevor?!  Haha...he's bummed that he missed this one as he was home while the plumber worked in the basement - being on standby for help!

On a side note, Moose REALLY needs a new swimsuit and swim shirt!  Poor dude!  It's like the clothing stores in Edmonton forget that kids still love swimming even when there's snow on the ground!  I hope that with Spring shipments starting to role in, they put them on the shelves soon!  Until then...we are squeeeeeeeezing him in!

1 comment:

  1. So much fun!!
    Oh and Please Mom had swim wear when I was at West Ed mall last week

    Auntie Lesley
