Friday, January 20, 2012

Sometimes I Forget...

...That there's an adorable little baby growing inside of me!
...That I'm in my third trimester already!
...That very soon from now our hearts will be growing bigger!
...That, try as I might, I can't slow the clock down!
...That Jackson is going to be a big brother and not my little baby anymore!

I'm really grateful that I have some fabulous pushy friends in my life who have been demanding belly photos for weeks now.  With everything on the go, it's so easy to forget to stop and savor these moments.  To truly embrace the small and magical things in life!

We had our prenatal visit this week...our last 'monthly' visit.  Now we are on the two-week schedule.  Scary, right?  That means we are getting closer.  And, as much as I want to meet our little Mr., I want a chance to have things calm down a bit and absorb every second of life the way it is right now.

I love my new doctor.  In fact, I feel so lucky and have zero regrets about making the switch.  She is honest, sweet, funny, and takes the time needed without making you feel like another number in her daily schedule.  We had a good conversation Wednesday.  It wasn't rushed.  It wasn't generic.  It was honest and candid.  We talked about our options for delivery.  We talked about pros and cons.  We talked about her experiences and mine.  It was nice.  It was easy.  It was comforting!  She told me that I am measuring 31 weeks.  She has also said that boys tend to be bigger the more you have and that premature births tend to be repeated as basically, she wants us to be prepared to have him early and for him to be big!  I appreciated that.  She also requested an ultrasound for 38 weeks to determine approximate size to see if we'd try for a vbac or opt for the scheduled c-section.  She said this with a chuckle, as neither of us think we will be reaching the 38 week mark!  But...this is the plan!  And I like plans!  My tests came back really trace of gestational diabetes and blood work looks 'awesome'.  This is always a relief...because you always worry.  This pregnancy has been SO DIFFERENT than with Jackson's.  I am relaxed, calm, enjoying it, and it has flown by.  With Jackson, I think I was rarely any of those things.  I was always concerned, worried, anxious - - - there was always something going on!  I am so crazy about this little boy already.  When I think of them meeting for the first time I get choked up and fluttery at the same time!  Life is all about magic moments :)  Just in the past couple days, if asked, Jackson will give the baby a cuddle or kiss (my belly) and when asked where the baby is, he either points to my belly or lifts his shirt to show us his!  I didn't think he'd catch on...but the past week or two has been huge in his development in both understanding and verbalizing.  It's pretty fun!

Anyways...I thought I'd throw a baby update up here as I don't think I have spoken about it much.  There seems to have been so many things going on...but it deserves it's time to shine as well!  I hope you are all enjoying the chilly weather!  I know I like looking out and seeing white FINALLY!


  1. Thank you for the belly pics and update! I'm happy you are enjoying this pregnancy and like your doctor! Wow, early....its hard to imagine it happening so soon!!

  2. So excited and can't wait to meet him!!!

