Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Introducing Baby 'S'!

We were lucky enough to reschedule our ultrasound for last night.  We went, enjoyed, and celebrated!  It was sooo much fun to see a glimpse of Baby S!  As soon as the ultrasound tech got a good shot of his face...I had to take a double look - because it looked sooooo much like Jackson's 3D ultrasound I couldn't believe my eyes!

Cheeks - Chubby, chubby, chubby!
Nose - Just like a button!
Lips - Defined, plump, and perfect!
Baby - BIG!

My favorite part of the ultrasound, although I realize it is fluke, was that every time we had Moose say baby's name, the baby smiled!  It made my heart smile.  Jackson seemed to totally get it at the ultrasound.  He kept saying 'Baby' and pointed at my belly.  He would say 'Baby' or 'S's' name.  He also started saying 'brother' last night in the tub - and it brought a lump to my throat.  God, if this is what love feels like...how can my heart grow even bigger to love another as much as my Moosey...I know it's possible - but what in the world will that feel like?!

This was our first shot!  If anyone was questioning whether or not he was a boy - question no further!  He's NOT shy!
Chubby cheaks, button nose, and cute mouth!
That plump bottom lip is so kissable!
Now some comparison shots...Moosey is on the left...Baby 'S' is on the right.

After we left the ultrasound, I was actually a bit panicked on the way home as I realized how big this lil guy is and how close we are to meeting him!  I really don't believe we will make it until April 2!

I hope you enjoyed seeing baby as much as we did!


  1. Cannot wait to meet this boy!! Congratulations Kristy and Trevor on the making of another beautiful baby for me to love ;) And Jackson you will be the BEST big brother, don't get into too much trouble together!

    Lots of Love,

  2. Aww, I was so excited to see new blog posts! Totally love the ultra sound pics but am so sad by Jacksons injury! He is such a tough and happy little guy but it is kinda heartbreaking to see that bruise. Take Care Mommy and don't feel so guilty!!


  3. Yay! Baby 'S'! I was wondering which name you were going with :) Sounds like an adorable ultrasound experience! Jackson is gonna be an awesome big brother!
