Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cupcakes ;)

Last night at 7 o'clock I had this huge urge to bake with Moose.  I have no idea where it came from...but I thought 'why not?' and away we went...mess and all!

It was actually really, really fun!  Jackson is such a fantastic help lately.  He carried all the measuring utensils and put them on the counter, helped get the ingredients out of the pantry, and patiently waited for each step!  Outside of the eggs and vanilla, he poured EVERYTHING into the bowl (including the milk and oil...I was pretty impressed with how careful he was!) and mixed it up.  He was in charge...and if you took his spatula or mixer from him - you were reminded that you had your own to use!  Yes, the cupboards got dirty, as did the floor, our clothes, and the bottom of our feet - but the experience and fun was waaaaaay worth it!  

I see more baking in our future :)

Carrying the measuring utensils from one cupboard to the next!
Mixing flour and sugar
Adding the cocoa...see the lovely counter top!?  That's how the bottom of our feet looked :)
A well-deserved taste test!
A path of evidence!
 I love that we 'talk' to each other now.  I can't wait that in the near future I'm actually going to start to understand what his side of the conversation is!  Love you Moosey!

1 comment:

  1. You're a pretty good baker mister mister. Good job helping mommy!

    Thank you for a great 3 weeks off family. We sure got a lot done and had some great memories.

    Can't wait to come home.

