Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Revisited

I'm so sad these pictures aren't better, because this was a pretty magical moment in terms of little boys and Christmas!  But, Trevor was on camera duty and was locked and loaded with our little point and shoot which we are still getting to know! 

Anyways...my parents got 'the boys' a John Deer for Christmas thinking they would think it's cool now, but would have to grow into it.  As of Christmas Eve, Moose had no idea he could actually drive it...in fact, my dad said it looked like he was a good ways away from reaching the petal...apparently a good ways is one day because by Christmas night, Moose figured out that when there's a will, there's a way - and he discovered that petal!  We really need to take that thing outside and instruct him how to steer!  So, they have plenty of room to grow with it...as it goes in reverse, has a dumper on the back, and will always be a fun toy to have, especially when Papa has his tractor out!  

Christmas Eve we took Moose downstairs and turned him around to see the present...the first think out of his mouth as he began running?  "Tractor!".

Then, just one day later, Moose found his 'tractor' again!

...When he figured out that he has the ability to make it move himself!...

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