Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Waiting Pays Off!

This morning we got a special delivery on our door step!  Before Trevor left, we bought ourselves some bikes and ordered Jackson's bike trailer from Costco's online website (believe it or not, when we went to get it from the store, they were already selling snowsuits - YEESH!)!  I am so glad I was patient and waited for the online order over buying one of the ones we saw because this one kicks all of their butts!  It really is awesome.  And within seconds in converts into a stroller should we need it to.  It's big, so we wouldn't use it as a stroller anywheres public - but would be great on paths, parks, etc.  It has a built in bug shield right over it, tonnes of room for moose and other things, and a rain guard that can be zipped on!  Needless to say, I can't wait for our first family bike ride.  We wanted to do this last year, but Moose was just too little!

While assembling it, Moose was so very helpful.  He had to inspect and test each and every wheel!  Surprise, surprise!

Then when we turned out back, he decided to climb in himself and investigate it!

1 comment:

  1. Do the all the wheel turn well moose? Hope you got it all inspected before we head out. Looks great!! Super glad we waited and can't wait to take it out!!

    Yet one more thing jackson has climbed...with wheels! lol
