Monday, July 25, 2011

Spray Park :)

 Today was a special day because Auntie Caitlin had the day off!  So...after my photo shoot this morning, we all went to the spray park!  We went to the BIG one we were at last time - and there were so many people, you could barely breathe.  So, we went to the little one and it was GREAT!  There were few people there and lots of littler kids (unlike the other, which was dominated by the bigger ones)!  It was so great!  Perfect way to spend a hot afternoon!  Moose loves the water.  Loved laying on the blanket...eating...playing...teasing...and checking out girls!

The view up from our blanket :)

 First try at a snow cone!

It was a great afternoon.  Moose had a great nap after.  We were all able to get a little sun (finally) - and my blog post was less boring than ones of the past!
Jackson is changing more and more in his ability to understand and talk to us!  It is so cute watching him put things together.  This morning I had his teething necklace and he was across the room and I said 'can you come here so I can put this on?!"  and he said "okay" and walked right over!

This morning I asked him to go get a ball from Boss and he came back with his big beach ball and said "ball".

He was saying "hi" and waving to people at the spray park.

After his nap, we were in the bonus room and he was smelly.  We said, we have to go change your bum, and he looked at us and said "bum".

A song came on the radio and he covered his ears!  Sooo funny...when we asked him if he didn't like it, he smiled at us!

Loves to play 'cat and mouse'...will look at us and try to engage us into chasing him!  When we say "I'm gonna get you" he starts 'running' and laughing!

When asked to give his puppy cuddles, he will go pet her and often hugs her is soooo cute!  Sometimes this turns into him trying to climb on top of her, but she is not a horse-dog and flees the scene pretty quickly.

So much fun - I'm so proud of him :)


  1. WOW what a great day you guys had! Fun times at the spray park, yummy lunch and snack, and the dog park ta boot.

    Can't wait to hear all your new words Jackson and interact with you.

    Daddy is proud of you.

    Miss ya family!!


  2. Ooohhhh, I recognize that spray park.....I wonder how many times I have been there is summer camp kids? Sometimes, 3 or 4 times a summer!!!

    Glad you had fun, we will have to check out the new one by my house sometime too. It is a small one that is nestled into our little community so it probably isn't that busy.

