Saturday, July 23, 2011

4 - 0 Eskies!

Today was one of those nice, calm days for the most part.  I woke up with a headache but decided to try and rest it away while Jackson napped this morning.  For the most part, it worked :).  Then our friend Mel came over and we went to the St. Albert Farmer's Market.  Bought some banana bread for my parents.  Dropped it off at their house.  Played in the back yard.  Moose napped on the way home.  Then we played and watched the football game and Edmonton won!  Kinda one of those perfect Saturdays that involves naps, friends, family, and play time!

Jackson is a little adventurous for my liking sometimes.  I often turn around to find him doing things that I just consider to risky for my little 14 month old child.  However, all the redirection, reprimanding, distracting doesn't seem to deter him from finding new ways to get his thrills!  Tonight's example...his stunt quad riding :)

 It started innocent enough!

He even checked the wheels to make sure everything was in good working order!
 Then I find him doing this...

And then the joys of cutting molars...

Boogers and Drool
This boy LOVES his tunnels. 
 Moose was sleeping by 8 and I had a nice bowl of frozen yogurt and an awesome evening of some nice alone time!  TV - check; lap top - check; Kia - check; peace and quiet - double check!

1 comment:

  1. lol What a little dare devil!! Can't imagine what he is gonna do when he is older.

    Love the tunnel pic!!

    Love you family
