Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Belated Thank You

Sometimes I'm not sure where the line is drawn in regards to 'thank you' cards.  Wedding - yes!  Bridal & Baby Showers - yes!  Birthday Parties - I dunno!?  I tend to enjoy expressing gratitude and making Thank You cards, however, but then wonder if there's a time when they may just not be necessary!  Jackson's first birthday is an example of this!  We are grateful.  We want everyone to know we are grateful.  But do I send out actual 'thank you' cards to everyone?!  It is very rare that I have received a thank you card for attending a birthday party.  So...Canada Post helped me decide to not make and send out cards.  HOWEVER, I did create this and wanted to share it with all of you... 
...because we thank you :)


  1. Oh my gosh! So cute. Job well done babe!!

  2. Looks wonderful! We had so much fun at your party! I send out cards because I am a little bit of a stationary whore, but definitely not the norm! Hope to see you all soon!
