Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Park!

Last night on our walk, we discovered that our brand new park a block over is OPEN!  Oh, what a great discovery!  Today we had to go back for a visit - and we had our special friends come with us!  There was no one there when we got there, it was fabulous!  My only complaint is the woodchips they use in parks now instead of sand :(

We took the double stroller for the two littles and the wagon for the two bigs!  It was fun.  Awesome to have it sooooo close to home!  And it's a great park too!  Slides, swings, climbing craziness, a big park, a little park!  YAY for a park close to home.  Makes me so happy, and I'm not the only one! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Wow looks like fun! Can't wait

    Thanks for the posts!!

