Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It's a Good Thing

Jackson doesn't cry very often.  Truly, it's a rarity...maybe once a week...maybe.  It's a good thing, because depending on what has caused his crying, I struggle - in two totally different ways!  If he is crying because he is hurt, it breaks my heart and I struggle not to cry with him.  If he is crying because he is being punished or has a differing opinion than the one I have voiced, I struggle to take him seriously and it makes me laugh!  Today, because it fell in the latter category (he was told that we couldn't go to the new park until after we ate lunch and his up-at-6:30 am little self couldn't handle the disappointment) I HAD to take pictures of his complete and utter despair that he had to fill his belly first!  Oh to be TWO!!!

You would think that, judging by his reaction, he was just told that they are eliminating every tractor on the planet!!!!


  1. You had to know I would LOVE these!!! Nice protest Jackson!! Auntie is proud ;)

