Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cupcake Bakin'

Yesterday I had a cake smash in the studio and Moose came down afterwards while I was cleaning me up and watched me throw out pretty much an entire cake.  He looked devastated!  Why oh why would someone throw out perfectly good cake?!  So...I made him a deal, if he helped clean up, we would go upstairs and make cupcakes.  It was fun.  He is such a helper and wants to be a part of EVERYTHING!  I was stirring and he had his spatula...and he started impatiently saying 'My turn?  My turn?  Me stir it.'!  Okay, and stir he did!  Does making cupcakes take longer with a 2 year old involved - Yes.  Does it make a bigger mess - Yes.  Is it well worth the teaching and fun and memories?  YES!!!

Everything is a teachable moment...and it's always way more fun when it's happening as your having fun!  Lining the cupcake pans was a counting exercise as well as a puzzle!  Measuring and dumping ingredients was good dexterity practice!  AND, stirring was a good lesson in how to clean up!  The whole process is a good turn taking and listening exercise as well!  It's well worth the time and energy.

I love this boy!  He LOVED wearing his tractor apron...and I loved seeing how cute it was on him!

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